
vilnius/kablys 14.05.10

description of/satisfaction with:
the 90’s were a really active time for the punk scene, but soon only commercial music spaces were available. then, when kablys started it became possible to do independent shows again.
lithuania is not as bad as germany or belgium where people seem too bored or overexposed to attend shows.
i think the scene is healthy.
i think there’s a lack of inventive people and original music.

word of mouth is the one of the preferred ways to promote shows.
this can fragment the scene.
kablys doesn’t use the internet for promotion except a ‘secret’ (approved members) calendar, limited newsletter broadcast and occasional facebook postings.
one independent radio representative also produces a reggae disco without advertising, and promotes lithuanian dub artists through competitions.

politics and finances:
i am happy that people on the scene aren’t political because politics and music don’t mix.
a politician granted use of a building by some artists. kablys does not support this arrangement.
the reggae hall tries to keep the entrance price cheap.
how can we encourage the audience to support their role in the scene (help to support resources for musicians and venues)?
kablys made the choice to take out their bar, which makes them happy not to be supporting drinking, but severely limits their cash flow.

don’t go to a venue you don’t like.
the venue should be judged more by sound quality and general atmosphere.