
keczkemét/eleven 20.10.2010

description of/satisfaction with:
the scene at the beginning of the 90’s was better.
maybe globally the world is more conservative.
there are too few people working in/on the scene.
after the fall of the berlin wall it was popular to play and find venues for “revolutionary” music, but now people are more comfortable and busy with keeping a “good” living standard.
few people are active in a non-commercial independent-type scene.
maybe in 10 years there will be another revolutionary wave and/or a spread of the anti-globalization movement.
there are good ideas out there musically, but no audience for them.
i am satisfied. i visit all kinds of experimental shows and festivals. i think nothing has changed.
there is the same amount of creative-thinking people as there was 20 or 30 years ago, but the visibility of pop music is much greater.

venues/concert opportunities:
there are many underground bands, but it’s hard to find a place to play. venues are very commercially-minded.
the keczkemét fringe festival attracts twice as many applicants every year, otherwise, the only resources for emerging bands are sponsored talent shows.
i tried to organize some hungarian shows for a foreign band with minimum requirements and it was very hard to find anyone to host them.

the internet is the main source for discovering bands. is a good resource.

future ideas:
use an example from budapest in which people are organizing concerts in rehearsal rooms. bands from the rehearsal rooms pool their money and resources to host bands and pay for their travel and food expenses.
reduce the size of events in order to survive.

2 Responses to Hungary

  1. michele says:

    hey there

    first a comment to the original post, about the last sentence: \reduce the size of events in order to survive\. this point is one of the things we discuss most about, in the last few weeks (in the kuzeb in switzerland). we somehow managed to have loads of concerts at our place – too much. of course there is one part of the people who likes to have this much concerts, but the in the end, they had to admit, that this is not the only important argument. doing concerts requires people helping – and if you have concerts every weekend, it is just too exhausting. in addition there is also a lack of visitors – they don’t want to come every weekend to our place – there is so much more, they want to \consume\. this brings me to your post, sado.

    we experience exactly the same thing! it began with the afterparty of our little festival in october 2010. people seemed to come only for the djs – not for the bands. \ok\ we thought \it’s their choice..\. The big surprise was in january 2011. We had an \electro gig/concert/whatever\. only on a saturday evening. but, here you go. people we’re already coming in the afternoon (we always open doors at 21.00). at 23.00/24.00 we were forced to stop let people enter, cause there we’re more than 400 people (that’s maximum we set, and which we felt secure and comfortable with). so they waited outside and were aloud in, whenever one came out – i know it may seem silly, but we just didn’t expect so many! I mean, it’s been years we had that amount of people!
    The \tragic/sad\ thing about this story is (from our point of view), that they only came for the djs. Afterwards we had a lot of discussions about this:

    Do we want to do electro parties? Aren’t there already enough of them?
    Why does the majority of the collective feel uncomfortable about these kinds of events? What’s the difference between a gig with only djs and a gig with only bands? What’s the \value\ of the music, djs \do\? Did all these people only come to consume – do they appreciate our place, our project (the kuzeb is, after this long time, still autonomic and self-organised)? Other people, coming to our place (for a punk, crust, trash or whatever concert) – don’t they come to (only) consume too? Where’s the difference? Is it maybe just, that we dont know this \scene\?

    these were some of the questions we discussed afterwards. would be interesting, if there are more of theses experiences?

    see you there in summer 😉


  2. Sado says:

    Hello Hilary and Chris!

    Greetings from the cloudy Miskolc….
    One of the biggest problem is where are the young people?
    They are on the “facebook”, looking for the next step of “party movement”.
    On this weekend I was in the Factory ( you played there last time), there was a 3 djs party (my point is 3 same nothing…. but does not matter).
    They saled 300 tickets (3,5 Eu/each) a week before, and another 300 at the venue. Approx. 700 people were there….I have never seen these amount of people there….many young people too.
    (Remember how many people were there at Sabot gig last time….unfortunatelly 60-70.)

    So there are young people, just don’t care about what we’re doing for them, because we’re not interested in (sometimes we’re against) their cultural-musical style.
    (another good question do they have any kind of interest in any kind of culture????)
    Or our music, or attitude is not interesting for them.
    They don’t want to think, to be independent as far as poss., they like to be same, and crowdy.

    We’re not in the gang….we’re not djs, bands who grow up with them. Young people should produce their own young bands. But unfortunatelly it seems those bands mostly look, act and sound like mainstreems.

    Another question:
    If we want to show them something more interesting (from our side) shouldn’t we change our tools and instruments?
    Maybe we should interpret our musical attitude and ideas through they’re musical style.

    …for example an electronical Sabot!? Even less equipment, but full house:)

    Vicious Circle

    PS: This conference will be very interesting, I’ld like to be there….

    All the best

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